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    Rocket is a thrilling game that allows users to place bets with a selected multiplier, indicating how high the rocket will ascend before crashing. If the rocket reaches a height equal to or higher than the multiplier you chose, you win your initial bet amount multiplied by the multiplier you chose.

    1. Choose your bet amount, with a minimum of 30 Chips;

    2. Predict the multiplier, which represents the height the rocket will reach before crashing ranging from 1.05x to 1000x;

    3. Press the play button to launch the rocket and wait for the results;

    4. If the rocket reaches the height you predicted or higher, you win your bet multiplied by the chosen multiplier. If it doesn't, you lose your bet.

    Note that although the minimum multiplier is 1.05x, the rocket can crash before reaching that height.

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